






May 18th and 19th @ 4pm-6pm EST



You’ll Learn How To Relaunch Your 6 Figures Pharmacist Career in Canada & Rapidly Relocate As A Permanent Resident (PR)

(Without Feeling Stuck,  Overwhelmed, Frustrated or Confused )
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During this LIVE 4-hrs masterclass delivered over 2 days you will learn about:

Relocation To Canada

A Bulletproof 

Relicensing Blueprint

PharmAssist 7 Figures Formula

The Immigrate to Elevate In Canada Masterclass


✅ Successful Relocation To Canada

Learn from an international pharmacist who successfully and permanently relocated to Canada. Hear from our law partner from a Toronto law firm.


✅ Immigrant PharmAssist™️ Relicensing Blueprint

We will review the sequence you will need to move through in order to complete your relicensing in Canada. You will learn some success strategies from three times licensed pharmacist Havalee Johnson who is registered to practice as a pharmacist in 2 Canadian provinces.


✅ Relaunch Your Six-Figures Career.

Learn how to elevate your life and crush it in your careers so you can unleash your income-earning power, magnify your impact in healthcare while you future-proof your family’s finances. 

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Meet Your Host,

Havalee Johnson

Do It NOW!

Havalee is the Founder of Immigrant PharmAssist. She is a three-times licensed pharmacist. entrepreneur and speaker who successfully migrated from Jamaica to Canada in pursuit of her “Canadian dream” while relaunching her amazing career. 

Havalee is from humble beginnings, and grew up believing money was a challenge so she pursued pharmacy to escape poverty but suddenly realized she was starting her life in a mountain of debt (JMD $3,000,000 equivalent to CAD $30,0000).


During her 3rd year of pharmacy school she suffered the devastating loss of her father who needed dialysis treatment but lacked funds and access to healthcare amenities due to her family's financial constraints.

Feeling despondent about her family's limited access to health, education and economic opportunities, Havalee embarked on a solo journey  migrating to Canada at the start of the COVID pandemic in order to secure a better quality of life and secure her family’s financial future.

She thought she could just "wing it" and "figure it out" on the fly until she failed one of her relicensing exams....TWICE! This halted her career relaunch and cost her hundreds of thousands of CAD in unrealized income though she didn't realize it in the moment. She had no clue what was the missing piece of the puzzle but after investing in mentorship, she  accelerated her relicensing process.


That’s when she discovered a success system that simultaneously allowed other pharmacists to rapidly and permanently relocate to Canada, successfully relicense as a pharmacist and relaunch their 6-figures pharmacist career in record time!

Known to many on the internet as the “Immigrant PharmAssist” & the “Travel PharmAssist”, Havalee has assisted numerous pharmacists globaly (and within Canada) to unlock their “Canadian Dream” and unleash their earning power through monetizing their medication mastery.


Havalee made several costly mistakes along this journey and after 9 years of studying this system she now uses her skills, knowledge and experience to help other international pharmacists accelerate through a proven system so they too can create an amazing life where they can earn up to CAD 7 figures in 5 -7 years.

Since immigrating to Canada, Havalee has reclaimed full autonomy over her pharmacist licence and now works independently as an entrepreneur/consultant as well as a part-time travel pharmacist negotiating lucrative travel contracts.

So if you’re a pharmacist seeking opportunities to move and practice abroad in Canada but you're not sure "HOW' exactly...... If you're feeling stuck, overwhelmed and confused in your relocation and relicensing processes but you know you are made for more - more IMPACT, more INCOME, more EASE & FLOW, and a higher quality of life...

You are in the right place!

Here’s What Past Clients Say………….

Feel The Love  From Past Event Attendees

What if In One Single Training You Finally Gained the Knowledge, Insights And The Unstoppable Confidence To Take Massive Action So You Can Finally Crush Your Exams To Unlock Your True Earning Power In Canada?

Join Havalee Johnson as she walks you through a tried, tested and proven pathway employing the Immigrant PharmAssist success strategies so that you can rapidly and successfully move to Canada, complete your relicensing exams and make your 6 figures annually.

Discover the exact step-by-step system Havalee uses to help clients accelerate on their journeys to move, grow and thriving as newcomers in Canada

Immigrate to Elevate
Disclaimer - This training will give you the insights you need to take actionable steps towards unlocking your dreams of moving, growing and thriving in Canada. Results are not guaranteed or typical. In fact, a lot of consistency and commitment is required.
(c) 2024 - Immigrant PharmAssist™️ - All rights reserved. [email protected]